What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), dating back over 2000 years. It is a treatment method of inserting and manipulating fine needles into acupuncture points. The stimulating of these specific points will activate the body’s own healing powers to help fight the problem. By re-establishing the body’s vitality, the treatment may help the patient to be stronger and more resistant to future attacks. Since acupuncture enhances general heath, it also can be used as a preventative measure.
How does it work?
Acupuncture is based on the idea that the two life forces yin and yang combine to produce the vital energy called ‘Qi’ that is said to travel through the body along the ‘meridians’. When Qi flows through these channels smoothly we experience good health. When these forces are out of balance, we become ill. The goal of acupuncture is to establish healthy body function by restoring the natural circulation of energy, or life force known in Chinese medicine as Qi. Today, acupuncture is an effective, natural and increasingly popular form of health care that is being used by people from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds. It can be applied to manage specific disorders, such as relieve symptoms and help reduce complications and recurrence or can be used for the maintenance treatment of a long-term issues.
Our practitioners use sterile, disposable needles only. All HRT practitioners are fully qualified professionals recognized by one or two of the following professional associations: Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA), Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA), Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMA), and Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia (CMASA).
Benefits of acupuncture
- Provides drug-free pain relief
- Effectively treats a wide range of acute and chronic ailments, as shown in research studies which have been collated in the Acupuncture Evidence Project (AACMA https://www.acupuncture.org.au/resources/publications/the-acupuncture-evidence-project)
- Manages the underlying cause of disease and illness as well as the symptoms
- Provides an holistic approach to the treatment of disease; linking body, mind and emotions
- Assists in the prevention against disease and illness as well as the maintenance of general well-being

Ear Acupuncture
Specific areas like the ear, hand, scalp and foot represent Acupunctural Microsystems for the entire body. Auricular Therapy is used for treatment and for diagnosis through the stimulation of specific points in the external ear. Often ear acupuncture is used in combination with body acupuncture.

Electro Acupuncture
Electro acupuncture is a form of acupuncture where small electric current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles. The frequency and intensity of the electric impulse can be adjusted to the patient’s individual needs. This method is considered to be especially useful in chronic pain syndromes.